Welcome to CWG Services.

I live in Fort Lauderdale, FL, with my wife of 36 years, Lorraine. We have a pet rat. I’m on the vestry and in the choir at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, I’m the webmaster for the CentralCity Alliance, and although mostly retired I work from home in various ways.

I’ve called myself an ‘aging hippie’ and that’s probably as good a description as any. My beliefs were shaped in the sixties and deep down they haven’t changed much in all that time. The world has certainly changed, though.
I offer a variety of web development, web management, and document services, as well as providing computer and device support for my local clients. My prices are reasonable and service reliable.
Along with my work on websites and editing services, I publish books as CWG Press.


I’m also the host of The New American Dream Radio Show.

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